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The game has a totally automated update procedure.

If you are connected to the internet each time that you launch the program, the program automatically looks for these updates. After confirmation, the updates are then downloaded and installed.

Current Version 1.16 (version at March 12, 2025)

- Fixed “-nan” issue during nationalizations and massive subsidies
- New capital of Burundi
- Fixed display issue of negative seat numbers in the parliaments of certain countries
- Repositioned submarines at the beginning of the game (outside the Caspian Sea)
- Fixed the display of fusion power plant production when none were owned
- It is no longer possible to construct all types of energy buildings without having discovered the necessary technologies
- Nuclear power plant construction technologies are no longer granted to countries with plants built by other nations
- Fixed several cases where units could remain on the field after the end of a war
- Fixed a revenue discrepancy between two tables in corporate mode
- Relaxed coalition formation rules after German elections
- Fixed selection of a personality group in the appointment panel after selecting Consortium CEOs
- Adjusted fuel product prices when modifying the petroleum product tax
- Fixed the calculation of notoriety impact from an advertising campaign
- Added rare earth deposits in Ukraine
- Improved display of electricity and fossil fuel production data during the bi-monthly economic calculations
- Fixed unjustified revenue drops in certain corporate mode cases
- Fixed duplicate display of a region in Russia during construction
- Updated foreign communities for numerous countries
- Fixed display and default selection issues in corporate mode action panels
- Modified the conditions for authorizing the use of chemical weapons by the army chief
- It is now always possible to construct a production or sales building for a newly acquired subsidiary in its home country in corporate mode
- Fixed a targeting issue for naval units stationed in a base when aiming at an in-range unit
- Automatic membership to the World Bank upon joining the UN
- Fixed targeting arrow display for military units when targeting an out-of-range unit
- Troops no longer enter buildings that do not allow troop storage upon capture, such as factories
- Improved AI country economic contract proposal algorithm
- Fixed political party compositions for Israel, Austria, South Korea, and Tunisia
- The interface now updates correctly when dismantling all buildings of a type in the Energy panel
- Improved clarity of the “Adjust total workforce” action display
- Fixed a graphical bug in cities when a player triggers an attack as an illegal opponent
- Added the display of car dealership building prices when playing as a car manufacturing company
- Added the ability to rebuild a completely destroyed captured city
- Fixed overly long scenario descriptions in the “Score” panel
- Differentiated names for production buildings
- Fixed life expectancy evolution in some countries for scenarios starting after 01/01/2024
- Clarified the cargo plane information panel when transporting military equipment to another country
- Applied production tax exemptions to companies based on sector exemptions set by the head of state
- Fixed loan display issues for covering a takeover bid when requesting the maximum loan amount
- Fixed a text error in the hostage-taking panel
- Adjusted the maximum subsidy amount for a sector
- Fixed temperature data in the city information panels
- Added the ability to change the gender of CEOs and billionaires in the customization kit
- Fixed a French text appearing in arms contracts and contract negotiations
- Added names for roads
- Fixed issues when encouraging unrest (excluding one-day protests) as an opposing player
- Improved user experience when creating a subsidiary through the 'New Facility' action in a country where the player has no subsidiaries in corporate mode
- Fixed certain cases where creating a subsidiary triggered messages intended for heads of state regarding war refugees in corporate mode
- Adjusted the TV journalist voice volume in some countries
- Fixed request text when refusing the construction of a Hyperloop abroad
- Enlarged the EU symbol on a law harmonized with the EU
- Fixed a display bug in the capital change panel
- Fixed transparency of the illustration image in the 'New Facility' panel
- Fixed an endgame message where the author was the player’s character instead of an advisor in corporate mode
- Reduced production capacity of military equipment factories (fighter jets, tanks, missile launchers, etc.) to better reflect reality
- Fixed unit volume in nuclear power plant sales contracts
- Fixed erroneous values during contract negotiations in corporate mode
- Added feedback to clarify reasons for contract refusals in corporate mode
- Buildings of an acquired subsidiary and its own subsidiaries now appear in blue on the map
- It is no longer possible to assign troops to a highway
- Fixed a graphical bug in the scientific cooperation table
- [GNS] Unlocked the God’n Spy button in the product creation panel
- [GNS] Added free trade agreements to the alignment points calculation under the Embargo/Tariff label
- [GNS] Fixed the application of the God’n Spy law rejection function
- [GNS] Fixed issues in the accelerated product design feature
- [GNS] Fixed display bugs in European Union action panels
- [MT] Fixed a crash when multiple countries are annexed, and some regions become independent
- [MT] Corrected display of all companies when the All option is checked in the playable company selection panel
- [MT] Fixed an issue with GDP growth decline in democratic opposition mode
- [MT] Fixed multiple-choice selection inconsistencies in some laws
- [MT] Fixed zero-value issues for certain laws in multiple countries
- [MT] Fixed incorrect capitals and occurrences of -nan in modded games where a new country was created
- [MT] Removed independentist terrorist group bases from the entirety of a country’s territory
- [MT] Terrorist groups are now assigned to the correct countries after multiple groups are created in different countries
- [MT] Changing a capital’s population no longer sets its status to 'ruins'
- [MT] Fixed incorrect initialization of parliamentary seat counts when the player created the maximum number of parties
- [MT] Fixed the names of new religious parties created by the player, which could disappear after saving a mod
- [MT] Repositioned military buildings in the game to match their placement in the mod
- [MT] Refugee camps now reappear when launching the mod
- [MT] Fixed incoherent actions when clicking in the mod creation interface while applying a major modification
- [MT] Fixed total parliamentary seat distribution per party in certain countries in the 'End of Europe' mod
- [MT] Fixed several cases where custom flags were not displaying
- [MT] Corrections of incorrect company data in the mod creation menu
- [MT] The download interface no longer suggests downloading mods already owned
- Various interface improvements and fixes

- Fixed crashes occurring after annexation or independence events
- Added new scenarios: Independence Movement and Revolution!
- Modified WTO reactions to tariff impositions
- Enhanced AI response when a country is subjected to tariffs, displaying current tariff values and notifying the player
- Adjusted the consequences of large-scale cyberattacks on affected countries
- Assigned the city of Zugdidi to Georgia
- Fixed AI Danish head of state popularity drop issue
- Adjusted the algorithm for news articles and major topic requests at the beginning of the game (e.g., national insecurity, road safety...)
- Fixed 3D display of coastal country capitals
- Fixed nuclear power plant contract issues
- Reclassified the EU economic status of Polish regions
- Facilitated the election of the German Chancellor without requiring a coalition
- Improved the calculation of electoral results for the upper house in regional elections
- Politically repositioned a French far-right party in the European Parliament
- Renamed regions in Poland, Serbia, and Bosnia
- Adjusted financial transaction tax revenue calculations
- Fixed an issue with notifications announcing the death of a public figure
- Factored in social and employer contributions when calculating informal labor growth
- Fixed God’n Spy functionality for certain European Union laws
- Fixed the order of countries in the EU tariff panel
- Unlocked production of 3G power plants
- Accelerated conscription in countries where national service previously didn’t exist
- Displayed the French President in the 'French Cohabitation' scenario
- Fixed privatization cost calculation for previously nationalized gas sector
- Privatized certain Russian industries
- Fixed an issue with the negotiation of distribution agreements
- Added the ability to adjust wages and workforce levels in some nationalized sectors (e.g., postal service)
- Added playable companies in the French tourism sector
- Fixed sponsorship contract amounts after signing
- Adjusted the impact of exceptional salary reductions, considering the company's financial situation
- Fixed voting date issues for certain reforms
- Added the ability to open a party profile from its stance on a law in Beginner Mode
- Fixed real-time popularity percentage display in the flag section for played countries
- Updated government types in South Africa, Timor-Leste, Guyana, Iceland, and Suriname
- Enabled nuclear power plants built through foreign contracts to start producing electricity
- Improved map rendering smoothness when zooming from 2D to 3D
- Enhanced economic stability after regional independence
- Improved economic stability after annexation
- Added shortcuts for the tariff panel in EU member state interfaces
- Improved missile interception trajectories for silos and anti-aircraft batteries
- Enhanced electricity production management based on shortages and import/export balances
- Set a maximum for war reparations in peace treaties
- Graphical improvements for cyclones
- Fixed workforce allocation in newly built energy plants (no longer stuck at zero despite production requests and hiring)
- Improved energy production statistics display after facility dismantlement
- Accepting automatic minister recruitment via the Chief of Staff no longer replaces all existing ministers
- Highway bridges now disappear when the corresponding highway is dismantled
- Players can no longer submit online scores if game parameter sliders have been altered
- Fixed vertical scrollbar interaction issues in some Energy menu tabs
- Corrected graphical collision between Hudson Bay label and Canada label on the map
- Fixed freight train wagon movements in curves and added specific sound effects
- Added notifications when a country imposes tariffs against the player's nation in the tariff interface
- Fixed organizational chart display updates after clicking on a company subsidiary
- Corrected several UI issues in European Union panels
- Fixed a minimap and time control bug after winning a city battle as an illegal opposition
- Fixed a highlighting issue obscuring text in the Professor’s Tips interface
- Fixed empty tooltips when hovering over flags and logos while playing multiple countries/companies
- Adjusting music volume no longer triggers a second music track
- Added 'Billion $' scale for UN Green Fund contributions
- Fixed law panel display issues when a sector is fully privatized, which previously caused display bugs
- Fixed missing Portuguese texts in the Space Research interface
- Various minor UI fixes Hotfix 1.15:
- Compatibility for reloading of customization kits from previous versions
- Updated camouflage texture files for military units in the Modding Tool
- Corrected a crash when selecting certain countries in the Modding Tool editor
- Corrected language display of country names when selecting a Mod to play
- Adjustment of gdp in 2024
- Correction of the amount of the last instalment of a bank loan to a company

- Addition of regions and redrawing of regional borders on the world map: Nagorno-Karabakh, Poland, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Irkutsk, Georgia, Turkish borders, Donbass, etc. Note: These regional structure changes make save files from earlier versions incompatible.
- Accelerated calculations for the economic engine and military unit actions
- Addition of a new scenario, ‘The new American President,’ allowing you to play as the new president in January 2025 with their full team.
- Added the Portuguese-Brazilian version
- Improved stabilization of GDP and growth calculations
- Enhancement of the energy algorithm engine
- Correction of income tax revenue calculations at the start of the game
- Fixed freezes (negative transportation costs, satellite loan returns)
- Added mobile troop detection for satellites
- Corrections of ‘-nan’ errors
- Adjustment of advertising campaign cost calculations
- Unlocked closed sectors after state subsidies
- Corrections to city decay rates and initialization of populations leaving and staying
- Updated the date of the next German legislative elections
- Fixed the impact calculation of distribution networks on product value (business analysis)
- Added military bases in Brazil
- Fixed the ‘Call for Help’ panel for combating terrorist organizations
- Relaxation of WTO sanctions
- Ability to assign aircraft to aircraft carriers
- Cyberattacks on companies now affect only the company’s buildings (no longer all companies in the city of the attacked building). Indicators of ongoing cyberattacks are now displayed in production building data sheets and the production unit table.
- Fixed the elected president after victory in the ‘US Elections 2024’ scenario
- Updated financial transaction tax for a group of countries
- Updated rebel fighter numbers in Syria
- Fixed the modification of the ‘Volume’ cell when renegotiating a contract
- Fixed the restriction on foreign community bans
- Added the producing country to product names to distinguish between different production subsidiaries
- Adjusted weapon production outputs
- Enabled clicking on unit cells in city battle panels to change their values
- Correction of influence calculations on voting countries during EU summits
- Fixed production and consumption volumes in pharmaceutical contracts
- Enabled the display of disturbance panels for foreign events
- Fixed non-delivery of contracts
- Space management when entering save file names
- Enabled graphs for the three upper-bar values in Head of State mode
- Fixed contracts proposed during international exhibitions
- Displayed real pipeline names and enabled their use in contracts (oil and gas pipelines)
- Fixed some law reforms that would not complete
- Corrected overlaying legend frames in comparison maps when selecting multiple legends
- Adapted monument types in ‘Culture’ based on the country’s regime
- Fixed default country selection in free trade agreements
- Updated financial transaction tax for certain countries
- Fixed the welcome message for player CEO meetings
- Added the faces of the female presidents of the IMF and the World Bank
- Considered large numerical values for displaying banking loan units
- Changed the regional capital in Crimea
- Updated membership numbers for centrist parties in France
- Removed Russian troops from Azerbaijan
- Fixed reversed smileys for public opinion during highway dismantling
- Added information on consumption/production of countries in trade contracts
- Standardized trade contracts accessed via the meeting interface with those accessed through other methods
- Fixed several road assignment issues during regional conquests
- It is no longer possible to establish a contract with a paramilitary group as an election promise during a campaign or TV debate
- Renaming a city by renaming a sales building or headquarters in CEO mode is no longer possible
- Automatic preselection of the country when opening a trade contract by right-clicking on its territory
- Added an icon indicating when a company is nationalized in the company list within Agriculture, Industry, Energy, and Services panels
- Fixed logos and flags behind character portraits in the meeting interface
- Fixed flag display bugs in cities controlled by groups
- Hydrogen production building icons now display correctly
- Corrected erroneous economic values for non-playable sectors, such as insurance
- The Pope no longer dies at the start of scenarios with a start date after 01/01/2024
- Fixed display of company building data sheets when opened in military map mode
- Increased resistance to damage for company buildings
- Fixed multiple misaligned icons in EU law interfaces
- Production buildings now have ‘Stop’, ‘Restart’, and ‘Dismantle’ buttons in Head of State mode
- Displayed production capacity and national consumption in all purchase and sales contracts between nations
- Improved water cannon actions during city riots
- Missile purchase costs no longer impact the budget twice
- Various corrections and improvements in the interface for creating international organizations
- GNS Added the option for expedited delivery in contracts

- Corrections on unemployment calculation
- Unlocking troop deployment in city battles and allied cities
- Corrections on regional terrorist groups (localization, names, generic actions, treaty)
- Correction on automation level after acquiring technological equipment
- Adjustment of the workforce calculation algorithm (construction sector)
- Correction of workforce adjustments in nationalized sectors and cost display
- Modification of the calculation for the cost of nationalizing economic sectors
- Update of populations in Ukraine and Russia
- Update of the number of Ukrainian soldiers as of 01/01/2024
- Correction of acquisition cost calculations for territories and prohibition of selling the capital region
- Various corrections on economic contracts, including limiting contracts to energy construction capabilities
- Improvement in GDP stability calculation over time
- Adjustment of the algorithm impacting thematic budgets from the Ministry of Labor
- Correction on satellite grouping and display of their range
- Considering strategic alignment in the decision to allow a foreign company’s establishment by the -Minister of Commerce, with this decision reflected in establishment and subsidiary creation actions
- Correction of discovery initialization for certain countries
- Correction of the time required for researchers to achieve discoveries
- Addition of an intercontinental missile silo near Moscow
- Correction of the impacts of public subsidies on economic sectors
- Unlocking shale gas and oil well constructions after legalization
- Modification of the health initialization algorithm for AI characters
- Correction on modifying the cryptography budget in secret services
- Consideration of election promises for energy construction projects
- Correction of congratulatory requests to an AI head of state who won elections
- Limiting Hyperloop construction to countries possessing the technology
- Correction of cost display in the Army/Budget panel, particularly when increasing the number of commandos
- Unlocking the creation of cultural national days and international festivals
- Correction on production capacity of a newly acquired sector through industrial espionage
- Adjustment of AI war declaration logic
- Update of the minimum wage and pensions in Turkey
- Correction on sponsorship contracts
- Correction of congratulation requests for the first economic contract completed
- Expanding the list of active laws in the Parliament menu
- Correction of map recentering when switching played countries
- Modifications to the status of certain cities in Ukraine and Russia
- Correction of construction requests for a transport line
- Displaying space discoveries only in the space research menu
- Correction of a marketing director’s request announcing the Olympic Games
- Inclusion of election TV debates in the agenda
- Correction of specific sector union logos (aerospace construction, road transport, etc.)
- Corrections to the acquisition panel for technological equipment and resulting automation rates
- Resumption of company production activity after a cyberattack
- Repositioning comparative maps related to the European Union
- Assignment of discoveries and production of suicide drones and cannons to Ukraine
- Display of borders in close zoom mode, including areas of lakes or rivers
- Improved fire effects on military units destroyed in combat
- Preventing accidental map context menu display during right-click scrolling
- Various corrections on pipelines
- Repositioning the city of Berlin
- Integration and inclusion of additional real maps of deposits: metals, bauxite, coal, diamonds, natural hydrogen
- Correction of space rocket launch animations
- Correction of hydrogen sector initialization
- Correction to prevent road construction over large sea areas
- Fix for a crash occurring during port placement for construction
- Fix for a bug preventing the delivery of purchased missiles via contract
- Correction of a bug in military equipment delivery on the wrong date
- Fix for a crash when clicking the “choose” button to close a sales point
- Fix for a bug preventing maximum possible tax value
- Fix for paramilitary group number of soldiers
- Corrections to multiple production and workforce bugs after energy-building constructions
- Sales Contracts cannot be validated without selecting a client
- Corrections of several economic bugs after annexing territories
- The head of state no longer automatically joins a newly created political party by the CEO player
- Highways can no longer be dismantled when playing as a CEO
- Addition of a missing scrollbar in the list of ongoing troubles in democratic opponent mode
- Secret agents can now be assigned to an espionage network via right-click on the targeted country
- Private detectives now find information on the target after several weeks
- When a city is controlled by a group, the group’s flag is displayed on cursor hover
- Correction of bugs in the brand list interface for closing a sales point
- Correct country ownership assignment for several pipelines in the Middle East and Asia
- Corrections of minimap bugs in riot or city battle mode
- Correction of the Election panel interface when the assembly has been dissolved
- Corrections to specific display bugs in democratic opponent mode
- Other interface corrections and improvements Hotfix 1.12:
- Correction of a bug preventing the construction of a gas well and causing interface issues in the Construction tab of the Energy panel
- The Subsidize button is now available again when the All Activities option is selected in the Industry, Energy, and Service panels
- Correction of excessively long delivery times for military equipment

Version 1.10 (version at October 30, 2024)

- Adjustment of growth trend calculations
- Fixed an abnormal reduction in workforce when playing as a company
- Fixed a crash in the partnerships interface when playing as a company
- Modified the impact of thematic labor budgets on recruitment rate and unemployment
- Adjusted the level of aggression between Turkey and Cyprus
- Fixed a crash when opening the sector info panel for the food industry
- Updated minimum wages for the United States, Germany, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia
- Fixed the Production Capacity column in Energy/Construction
- Updated the Current column in Energy/Construction
- Fixed startup and production issues in SMR power plants
- Improved negotiations for military equipment sales contracts
- Stopped mouse inertial scrolling when re-clicking the mouse
- Displayed the building sprite during military equipment factory construction
- Added details on absenteeism issues (burnout, work accident, sick leave) in relevant requests
- Switched to real-time speed for fossil fuel power plant construction
- Fixed country-to-country contract interface
- Displayed background for legends on strategic and economic maps
- Systematic “world map” recentering for strategic, economic, comparison, and political trend maps
- Fixed budget deficit for the United Arab Emirates
- Adapted TweeX space based on its length
- Fixed unit of measurement used for direct country-to-country medication contracts
- Added the possibility to fund a political party through consortium CEOs during meetings
- Updated annual electricity consumption in electricity contracts
- Displayed production units of companies in the defense sector on the map
- Filter in the Key figures – Commerce Officials panel now functions
- Fixed position of the refugees 3D model on the map
- Range of shooting units is now visible when selecting a target for a long-range attack
- Fixed rounding issues in interfaces displaying workforce counts below 1,000
- Fixed several panels that did not consider interface size options in Opposition mode
- Various other interface improvements and fixes

Version 1.09 (version at October 25, 2024)

- Adjustments and balancing of GDP growth calculations for all countries worldwide
- Reconnected display of score details in the player’s Mission Points panel
- Fixed the calculation of the undernourished global population (World Hunger threat panel)
- Redisplay of smileys in the threat summary panel
- Changed the legal voting age in Japan
- Fixed the display of the Weather map
- Fixed arrow display in the Gross National Happiness panel
- Fixed input for product price modifications
- Adjusted the startup of production for newly created products
- Fixed display of certain sale prices for military equipment purchases on the black market
- Fixed volume issues in hydrogen contracts
- Adapted text in articles prompted on the tablet
- Fixed display of the sports disciplines panel
- Added the ability to buy/sell military equipment beyond annual production
- Fixed issues with head of state actions to modify salary and adjust workforce in nationalized sectors
- Fixed interface for various action lists in European Union panels
- Mouse wheel scrolling now works in the popularity change history panel
- Improved navigation in the espionage network list
- A proposed referendum in a single-party country is now considered a vote and not a decree
- Various interface improvements specific to Opponent mode
- Fixed the button for signing an economic contract via advanced mode
- Fixed an incorrect position of the flag of the last selected country when loading a game in Opponent mode
- Contracts between two companies can no longer be modified or deleted in Opponent mode
- Added terrain analysis when placing an energy production building
- Modified the cursor when placing a building on the map
- Fixed a bug preventing city targeting with ground military units
- Added range circle for cannons
- Fixed a crash after revoking satellite control from a foreign country
- Fixed a bug preventing a player from executing a bombing order when the nation is in missile economy mode
- Fixed incorrect display of peace treaty type in the accepted peace treaty interface
- Fixed an erroneous 'Former Minister' title for a character in the ruling party in the 'French Cohabitation' scenario
- Fixed a white image displaying instead of the aquaculture company production building visual
- Fixed a slowdown in advanced military map mode
- Fixed the tablet displaying under the minimap
- Fixed an unintended TweeX interface appearing during NGO funding actions
- Various other interface improvements and fixes

Version 1.08 (version at October 22, 2024)

- Added scenario 'Ukraine 2025: The tipping point'
- Extended playable currencies from the game settings panel to include currencies of all countries in the world
- Fixed issues with missile launches from anti-missile batteries
- Fixed positioning of Russian bases in Ukraine
- Modified the budget initialization of works councils
- Adjusted the production of a newly created product
- Repositioned independent parties in the chamber in line with their main political tendency
- Adjusted the bombing zone radius
- Modified the initialization of remote work practices in companies
- Fixed the update of overtime hours after selecting a new subsidiary
- Taken into account the minimum conditions for entering the stock market
- Fixed detailed expertise on a contract performed by the head of state
- Added delivery date information in defense contracts made from the Industry interface
- Fixed evaluations of roadshows published after their completion
- Updated corporate tax rates in the USA
- Updated employee social contributions in the UK
- Repositioned Mariupol in Ukraine
- Fixed the display of the network infrastructure construction panel
- Added the face of the IMF president
- Fixed the sector selector when adjusting a CEO's compensation
- Restored the Coalition icon in Democratic Opponent mode in the Form a Coalition panel when a coalition already exists
- Fixed the application of a reform regarding speed limits
- Revamped the right section of strategic alliance contracts between countries
- Fixed the validation of the TV intervention icon in the Police/Health/Public Service panels
- Improved handling of priority display during agenda page changes
- Adjusted ministers' AI during an unpopular law proposal
- Fixed a freeze in the 'French Cohabitation' scenario
- Replaced 'Personnel Needs' with 'Personnel Activity %' and aligned with the action panels referring to it
- Adjusted the acceptance tests of migration agreements
- Fixed the display of the migration agreements list
- Added an action for creating a subsidiary
- Added user manual to the Bonus menu
- Fixed display of incorrect quantity units for certain products
- Improved AI use of cannons
- The player menu content no longer overlaps with the party profile when opened from this interface
- Removed the war icon when hostilities between two countries end
- Added a scrollbar to display the strategy selection option in a conflict panel
- Conquest strategies for regions can now be validated
- Fixed a bug in the advanced military interface during a country change
- Fixed a bug that grayed out the confirmation button for creating a space program after entering a name
- Fixed oversized text in the display of partners for a space program
- Fixed the demining action for soldiers
- Fixed display of certain tooltips
- The current action and distance texts no longer overlap during targeting with a military unit
- Added additional information in the product creation interface and product profiles
- Visual corrections for the UN member table
- It is now possible to bomb the Kerch Bridge
- Military units now use roads and bridges to move faster
- Fixed several bugs related to the control of regions and cities in Ukraine by Russia
- Fixed incorrect display of the headquarters city of a new subsidiary
- Available actions in a company's building profile are no longer displayed while the building is still under construction
- Various fixes in purchase and sale contracts in Mixed mode
- Visual corrections for atomic bomb explosions
- Fixed rules for military conquest of regions
- Corrected various texts that still display in French
- Fixed display of the Earth's average temperature on the space map
- Various improvements in the game customization interface
- Fixed several bugs when renaming a building
- Buyout proposals for a company are now more logical in relation to the available funds of the played company
- Added duration and design cost information to the product creation profile
- It is now possible to access the company customization interface from the company selection menu of a scenario
- Fixed a bug that could duplicate a head of state selected in the new game menu in Mixed mode
- Fixed old icons in the city interface during a battle or riot
- Various other improvements and data fixes in contract interfaces
- Various other interface improvements and fixes

Version 1.07 (version at October 9, 2024)

- Corrections and balancing of initializations and changes in budget deficits
- Added Productivity Audits to estimate company performance in terms of productivity
- Addition of “Production capacity” information in the energy construction table
- Correction on the cancellation of a bill in a reform
- Reformatting of Trade Analysis to replace expert opinion on products, with additional display of the impact of inter-state relations on trade and market data
- Correction of feedback following the introduction of a profit-sharing bonus for employees
- Correction of item releases during a CEO player trial
- Addition of an independence group in Transnistria
- Corrections to the display of company disturbances (strikes, blocked roads)
- Improved union sensitivity to wage changes in the company
- Correction of the consequences of changes in the retirement replacement rate
- Corrected access to certain items on the tablet
- Corrections to the CEO player's lost article and to the game sequence
- Tweexes from members of own company added to Trendings
- Correction to the evaluation of reform votes
- Price readjustment in company contracts
- Corrections to company contract negotiations
- Magnification of fonts for various information texts
- Various interface corrections
- Reassignment of contextual flatteries for athletes in appointments
- Correction of modifications in the Army/Budget panel
- Reduce redundancy plan completion and display execution date
- Head of state action on nationalized companies (salaries, personnel)
- Correction of economic effects of state subsidies and exemptions.
- Conflict icon displayed on flags of countries at war
- Correction of military unit menu offset according to screen positioning.
- Adjustment to the calculation of the popularity of CEOs managed by AI
- Correction to the shareholder representative's start-of-game alert request
- Corrections to the display and calculation of the workforce targeted in a redundancy plan, with better recognition of the severance bonus and adjustments to the calculation of union appreciation.
- Correction of the smiley face displayed on the thumbnail of the player's company union leaders
- Corrections to AI Tweex reactions after a law proposal by the player head of state
- Repositioning of card icons around the minimap and addition of an icon for Global Threats
- Addition of a repositioning target on the geographic selection flag next to the minimap
- Modified algorithm for selecting the winner of a cultural festival
- Unrest display filtering on the right when playing a CEO
- Corrections to the impact of player Tweexes during an election campaign
- Limitation to a single Tweex by the opposing player to criticize the AI head of state's bills or a single specific theme
- Correction to map display after pressing the F10 key twice
- Modification to the efficiency calculation for the opening of training centers
- Additional skin color taken into account for racial minorities exceeding 10% of the population
- Correction of query following a company's first contract
- Modification of acceptance conditions for paramilitary contracts
- Correction of CEO display when upgraded
- Correction to company contract refusal reasons
- Corrections to promises made during TV election debates as CEO turned political opponent
- Boats can now cross the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal
- Corrected tiny text in opponent character's popularity history
- Fixed a scrolling bug in the global threats panel
- Fixed various interface problems in the panel of a law being voted on when the country has 2 chambers
- Fixed several minimum/maximum value issues when modifying civil servant salaries.
- Switching the country to a single-party system now updates the composition of the parliament
- Correction of the interface for the list of UN member countries
- Correction of a bug preventing full display of names in the Italian version
- Fixed a bug displaying the currency when opening the file of a foreign country that has the same currency as the country being played.
- Corrected an interface bug in Media construction panels when modifying a value.
- Sectors that don't have a company in the country are now grayed out in the list of Companies tabs when playing a head of state
- Fixed a bug that prevented certain subsidiaries from being displayed in the organization chart interface.
- Aquaculture production building now has its own image in the New Layout panel
- Fixed a bug applying long-range damage to units targeting an enemy trench
- Fixed incorrect time scale in building production information
- Correction of action names of military units that were not displayed
- The feedback popup informing of a character's unavailability when selecting a date in the calendar is now displayed correctly.
- Corrected prisoner list interface
- Orders can now be given to missile silos
- When creating a new party as CEO, seats won come from the defection of a party with a similar alignment
- Improved trajectory of fighter planes during bombardment
- Corrections to missile trajectories
- Corrections to the orientation of some 3D helicopters
- Improved explosion particle effects
- Correction of casemates when creating trenches
- Corrected random fading of map shadows
- Improved lighting in city scenes
- Functional corrections
- Initialization of quality levels for company products
- More accurate initialization of company financial values (sales, net income, personnel)
- Corrections to the operation for buying bankrupt companies
- Addition of new companies for certain countries (especially smaller countries)
- Calculation of an initial design time for a new product in certain sectors (software, cars, etc.)
- Short availability date for the acquisition of a building in a city (shops, offices, etc.)
- Correction of several texts that are always displayed in French
- Various corrections in all contract types
- Numerous minor interface fixes

Version 1.06 (version at September 6, 2024)

- Tutorial added
- Updated “Cohabitation à la française” scenario with new playable characters, including Michel Barnier, and re-initialized assembly and party structures
- Tweex improvements: like/dislike calculation algorithms, follower evolution, AI selection of responses, unit Followers displayed for the player and for all game characters
- Romanian parliament updated
- Correction of “1-person” strikes
- Refined scroll bars (selection area, text scroll)
- Correction of unit selection frames in city battles
- Correction to sponsoring contract
- Improved interface for option icons in legislation panels (referendum, TV intervention...)
- Addition of an international air base in Romania
- Correction of EU aid amount for new members
- Refocused player display in rankings (billionaire, company) when at the top of the list
- Correction on the status of a technology discovery
- Corrections to the Construction/Energy panel
- Recalculation throughout the game of meeting possibilities with foreign party leaders based on subsidiaries in their country.
- Corrected character thumbnails for Judge and Magistrates' Union
- Game title no longer disappears from the main menu after exiting a game
- Fixed a bug that caused some text to disappear when the cursor passed over it
- Fixed various problems where highlighting would move in front of text on a line in a list
- Added a character limit for renaming a country
- Corrections to the interface of some cities controlled by groups
- Survey interface corrected
- Correction of a black zone on the map at the Egypt-Sudan border
- Correction of an inversion in the names of countries involved in a trade contract
- Smooth fading effect added to ocean names
- Currency values are now updated when changing currency
- Corrected incorrect display of the number of popularity stars in sponsorship contracts
- Display of true values instead of “Confidential” text in the selection menu for certain companies
- Correction of a bug preventing appointments with heads of state from being made from the diary
- Corrected wrong colors for relationships between countries in Mixed mode
- Fixed infinite values in the IPO panel
- ”World” choice removed from territory purchase contracts
- Weapon stock is updated after a black market sale
- In alliance contracts, the number of authorized bases is no longer reset to 0 after proposal
- Correction of space research budget stars for certain countries
- Fixed a bug preventing the construction of energy buildings on the map for some countries
- Deletion of a “Vatican city” text in Guinea
- When opening a free trade contract by clicking on a country, that country is the default partner
- Strikes deleted if number of employees equals zero
- “Volksrepublik China” becomes ‘China’ in the German version
- Scrolling time no longer changes the tab when consulting the news tablet
- Some budget deficits updated
- Correction of buggy economic data for some companies
- Correction of color alterations in some images
- Corrected some texts that always appeared in French
- Change of date format now taken into account
- Addition of the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa
- Correction of an incorrect rule for the placement of uranium mines
- Various functional and interface corrections in the different contract types
- Added a scrollbar in the party panel of some countries to display all of them
- Removal of a button to enter a warville from a sit-in panel
- The size of a city's minimap is now modified using the interface size option.
- Diplomatic relations between countries are now reset by default when leaving and restarting a game in a single session
- Correction of some texts displaying “Text not found” in News
- Corrected bugs in the rebate interface before a European Union vote
- Corrections to Venezuelan army personnel numbers
- Correction of incorrect bunker placement in cities
- Strikes can no longer have a duration of 0 days
- Company patents can now earn money
- Correction of erroneous sponsorship proposals
- Correction of erroneous country data when launching a game with a country by clicking on the globe twice in succession
- In the English version, Turkey becomes Turkiye
- Minor graphical improvements in cities
- Civilian aircraft now appear above the map
- Added feedback when no country can be financially sanctioned
- Changes to victory conditions in the “Save your box” scenario
- Corrected Macao city name
- Corrected the name of the city and region of Hong Kong
- Correction of the distribution of French energy production
- Correction of the minimum driving age in France
- Removal of Ukrainian minefield in Turkey
- Modification of Taiwanese head of state's salary
- Added data for sick leave, burnout and work-related accidents in the corporate human resources panel
- Corrected display of military unit icons in Wargame view mode
- Stereo sound output for introductory video
- Correction of personnel required for production in specific sectors of activity
- Adjustment of product prices in specific sectors of activity
- Adjustment to the distribution of staff in buildings in specific sectors of activity
- New, more visible icons for displaying a consortium's head office.
- Corrections to the display of destruction of various buildings or infrastructures (tunnels, bridges, etc.)
- Addition of coal mines on the map
- Light and zoom/zoom adjustments in scenes inside cities
- Various other interface improvements and corrections
- Various other visual corrections on the map

Version 1.05 (version at August 7, 2024)


- Font clearness improvement
- RGB inversion correction for .jpg image in customization kit
- Ö character input on German keyboard
- Corrected menu disappearance following construction of certain buildings on the map
- Improvement of some personality faces
- Corrected crashes (memory leaks) following successive game starts
- Corrected the interface of the Transport panel's Construction tab
- Corrected the interface of the Sport panel's Construction tab
- Correcting the interface of the Head of state panel
- Corrected the Education panel interface and a bug that modified the first 2 values in the left-side table when changing tabs
- Corrected the interface of the various construction panels
- Fixed the disappearance of a dialog panel background after proposing a migration agreement
- Fixed a bug that could display an empty list when changing the activity filter while selecting a company in the new game menu
- Corrected several texts displayed in French regardless of the game language
- Corrected the size of organization panels which were too large
- Corrected the position of the graph estimating the distribution of votes during a referendum
- Addition of a logo for the Franco-Russian Movement terrorist group
- Spy satellite order contract interface corrected
- Corrected abnormal size of catastrophe icon on map
- EU-specific menu buttons removed for non-EU countries in Expert interface mode
- Correction of the possibility of initiating space programs not adapted to the objective
- Display of the correct distribution of the French Assembly after the last legislative elections in the character selection menu of the “French Cohabitation” scenario
- Correction of an overrun in the text of the player's popularity value in relation to his background
- Correction of the position of certain texts in subsidize panels
- Correction of the size of the election promise button during elections.
- Added a shortcut to make an economic contract when right-clicking on another country
- Corrected incorrect text position in dialog interface when proposing a bribe
- Corrected multiplication of possible answers in some dialog interfaces
- Correction of the territory purchase contract interface and of the impossibility to send the proposal
- Added the possibility to stop playing a country/company during a game
- The Tourist Tax value is no longer rounded in the Revenues interface
- Improved the News layout
- Improved the News sorting by theme
- Fixed supplier contracts displaying a logo not being the one from the selected supplier
- Fixed difficulty settings resetting to easy when the game speed was modified
- Fixed EU free-trade agreements not being set to "None" by default
- Fixed various UI issues in the head of state’s and CEO’s panels
- Fixed a scrolling issue in the List of requests
- Fixed various UI issues in the recruitment phase during a meeting with a CEO
- Fixed various UI issues in the partnership contract
- Fixed various UI issues in the Army panel
- Fixed various UI issues in the free trade contract
- The Load button to load a saved game is now greyed out when there is no save to load
- Fixed the position of regions’ names in the map
- Fixed various UI issues in the main menu
- Fixed a wrong position of « No available manpower » feedback in the constructions panels
- Fixed various UI issues in the trade contract

World Map

- Rivers and lakes improvement
- Tweaks to various wave effect positions
- Corrected bugs in city drop shadows
- Improved savannah terrain textures.
- Addition of highways in Australia
- Corrected position of Syrian cities
- Corrected incorrect display of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon borders
- Correction of aircraft carriers incorrect height in the water
- Fixed an incorrect position of the Panama Canal
- Fixed an incorrect display of several small islands in the Pacific Ocean

Simulation and State finances :

- Correction of certain tax amounts
- Correction of deficit instability in scenarios starting in the 2nd half of 2024
- Correction of capital holdings in nationalized companies
- Improvement in the stability of long-term GDP forecasts for countries

Simulation globale :

- Corrections of wrong triggering of famines
- Fixed a bug that caused the free-trade agreement between Japan and the EU to break at the start of the game.
- Fixed a bug preventing validation of a power plant construction contract
- Fixed several bugs preventing contracts from being signed with illegal groups
- Non-EU countries can now make free-trade contracts, tab added to manage them
- Fixed wrong name of partner country in dialog evoking a free-trade agreement made by the player
- Removal of oil and gas wells in North Korea
- Changes to military alliance contracts are now correctly saved after acceptance
- Fixed a blockage in the financial sanctions management button that prevented the action from being redone after a first sanction vote
- Added Coalition tab for heads of state
- Construction of offshore mega-wind turbines now possible at sea
- Construction of border walls now possible
- Correction of a crash during a meeting with a minister of the economy as CEO after a construction proposal on his territory
- Correction of the request for the ethical label which delivered the eco-energy label
- Corrected a crash when proposing a region attachment
- Corrected a bug that prevented the modification of speed limit values
- Corrected a bug preventing the SPACE shortcut from working in some interfaces
- Corrected various crashes from player saves
- Corrected a bug provoking an immediate cancellation of a trade contract proposed by an AI and accepted by the player
- Corrected a bug preventing certain buildings construction
- There is now Infantry armaments’ sellers
- Fixed a crash during a meeting with a minister for Defense while playing as an opponent
- There is now an available workforce that were missing at the start of the game for several countries

Corps Simulation :

- Adjustment of social security costs
- Unblocking of communication actions for certain business sectors (Cars, Tires)
- Corrections for companies with zero or inconsistent sales numbers
- Correction of a crash during a meeting between a CEO and a head of state
- Products can now be created with 1 star Quality
- The research fields displayed in the company technology tree are only those linked to the sectors of the company being played.
- Correction of an erroneous price in supplier contracts whose product is Electronic Components
- Addition of “customer contracts” that were missing for certain business sectors
- Corrected new facility being flagged as a risky loan while it was fully self-funded

Version 1.04 (version at launch date of July 23, 2024)
