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The game has a totally automated update procedure.

If you are connected to the internet each time that you launch the program, the program automatically looks for these updates. After confirmation, the updates are then downloaded and installed.

Current Version 1.06 (version at September 6, 2024)

- Tutorial added
- Updated “Cohabitation à la française” scenario with new playable characters, including Michel Barnier, and re-initialized assembly and party structures
- Tweex improvements: like/dislike calculation algorithms, follower evolution, AI selection of responses, unit Followers displayed for the player and for all game characters
- Romanian parliament updated
- Correction of “1-person” strikes
- Refined scroll bars (selection area, text scroll)
- Correction of unit selection frames in city battles
- Correction to sponsoring contract
- Improved interface for option icons in legislation panels (referendum, TV intervention...)
- Addition of an international air base in Romania
- Correction of EU aid amount for new members
- Refocused player display in rankings (billionaire, company) when at the top of the list
- Correction on the status of a technology discovery
- Corrections to the Construction/Energy panel
- Recalculation throughout the game of meeting possibilities with foreign party leaders based on subsidiaries in their country.
- Corrected character thumbnails for Judge and Magistrates' Union
- Game title no longer disappears from the main menu after exiting a game
- Fixed a bug that caused some text to disappear when the cursor passed over it
- Fixed various problems where highlighting would move in front of text on a line in a list
- Added a character limit for renaming a country
- Corrections to the interface of some cities controlled by groups
- Survey interface corrected
- Correction of a black zone on the map at the Egypt-Sudan border
- Correction of an inversion in the names of countries involved in a trade contract
- Smooth fading effect added to ocean names
- Currency values are now updated when changing currency
- Corrected incorrect display of the number of popularity stars in sponsorship contracts
- Display of true values instead of “Confidential” text in the selection menu for certain companies
- Correction of a bug preventing appointments with heads of state from being made from the diary
- Corrected wrong colors for relationships between countries in Mixed mode
- Fixed infinite values in the IPO panel
- ”World” choice removed from territory purchase contracts
- Weapon stock is updated after a black market sale
- In alliance contracts, the number of authorized bases is no longer reset to 0 after proposal
- Correction of space research budget stars for certain countries
- Fixed a bug preventing the construction of energy buildings on the map for some countries
- Deletion of a “Vatican city” text in Guinea
- When opening a free trade contract by clicking on a country, that country is the default partner
- Strikes deleted if number of employees equals zero
- “Volksrepublik China” becomes ‘China’ in the German version
- Scrolling time no longer changes the tab when consulting the news tablet
- Some budget deficits updated
- Correction of buggy economic data for some companies
- Correction of color alterations in some images
- Corrected some texts that always appeared in French
- Change of date format now taken into account
- Addition of the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa
- Correction of an incorrect rule for the placement of uranium mines
- Various functional and interface corrections in the different contract types
- Added a scrollbar in the party panel of some countries to display all of them
- Removal of a button to enter a warville from a sit-in panel
- The size of a city's minimap is now modified using the interface size option.
- Diplomatic relations between countries are now reset by default when leaving and restarting a game in a single session
- Correction of some texts displaying “Text not found” in News
- Corrected bugs in the rebate interface before a European Union vote
- Corrections to Venezuelan army personnel numbers
- Correction of incorrect bunker placement in cities
- Strikes can no longer have a duration of 0 days
- Company patents can now earn money
- Correction of erroneous sponsorship proposals
- Correction of erroneous country data when launching a game with a country by clicking on the globe twice in succession
- In the English version, Turkey becomes Turkiye
- Minor graphical improvements in cities
- Civilian aircraft now appear above the map
- Added feedback when no country can be financially sanctioned
- Changes to victory conditions in the “Save your box” scenario
- Corrected Macao city name
- Corrected the name of the city and region of Hong Kong
- Correction of the distribution of French energy production
- Correction of the minimum driving age in France
- Removal of Ukrainian minefield in Turkey
- Modification of Taiwanese head of state's salary
- Added data for sick leave, burnout and work-related accidents in the corporate human resources panel
- Corrected display of military unit icons in Wargame view mode
- Stereo sound output for introductory video
- Correction of personnel required for production in specific sectors of activity
- Adjustment of product prices in specific sectors of activity
- Adjustment to the distribution of staff in buildings in specific sectors of activity
- New, more visible icons for displaying a consortium's head office.
- Corrections to the display of destruction of various buildings or infrastructures (tunnels, bridges, etc.)
- Addition of coal mines on the map
- Light and zoom/zoom adjustments in scenes inside cities
- Various other interface improvements and corrections
- Various other visual corrections on the map

Version 1.05 (version at August 7, 2024)


- Font clearness improvement
- RGB inversion correction for .jpg image in customization kit
- Ö character input on German keyboard
- Corrected menu disappearance following construction of certain buildings on the map
- Improvement of some personality faces
- Corrected crashes (memory leaks) following successive game starts
- Corrected the interface of the Transport panel's Construction tab
- Corrected the interface of the Sport panel's Construction tab
- Correcting the interface of the Head of state panel
- Corrected the Education panel interface and a bug that modified the first 2 values in the left-side table when changing tabs
- Corrected the interface of the various construction panels
- Fixed the disappearance of a dialog panel background after proposing a migration agreement
- Fixed a bug that could display an empty list when changing the activity filter while selecting a company in the new game menu
- Corrected several texts displayed in French regardless of the game language
- Corrected the size of organization panels which were too large
- Corrected the position of the graph estimating the distribution of votes during a referendum
- Addition of a logo for the Franco-Russian Movement terrorist group
- Spy satellite order contract interface corrected
- Corrected abnormal size of catastrophe icon on map
- EU-specific menu buttons removed for non-EU countries in Expert interface mode
- Correction of the possibility of initiating space programs not adapted to the objective
- Display of the correct distribution of the French Assembly after the last legislative elections in the character selection menu of the “French Cohabitation” scenario
- Correction of an overrun in the text of the player's popularity value in relation to his background
- Correction of the position of certain texts in subsidize panels
- Correction of the size of the election promise button during elections.
- Added a shortcut to make an economic contract when right-clicking on another country
- Corrected incorrect text position in dialog interface when proposing a bribe
- Corrected multiplication of possible answers in some dialog interfaces
- Correction of the territory purchase contract interface and of the impossibility to send the proposal
- Added the possibility to stop playing a country/company during a game
- The Tourist Tax value is no longer rounded in the Revenues interface
- Improved the News layout
- Improved the News sorting by theme
- Fixed supplier contracts displaying a logo not being the one from the selected supplier
- Fixed difficulty settings resetting to easy when the game speed was modified
- Fixed EU free-trade agreements not being set to "None" by default
- Fixed various UI issues in the head of state’s and CEO’s panels
- Fixed a scrolling issue in the List of requests
- Fixed various UI issues in the recruitment phase during a meeting with a CEO
- Fixed various UI issues in the partnership contract
- Fixed various UI issues in the Army panel
- Fixed various UI issues in the free trade contract
- The Load button to load a saved game is now greyed out when there is no save to load
- Fixed the position of regions’ names in the map
- Fixed various UI issues in the main menu
- Fixed a wrong position of « No available manpower » feedback in the constructions panels
- Fixed various UI issues in the trade contract

World Map

- Rivers and lakes improvement
- Tweaks to various wave effect positions
- Corrected bugs in city drop shadows
- Improved savannah terrain textures.
- Addition of highways in Australia
- Corrected position of Syrian cities
- Corrected incorrect display of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon borders
- Correction of aircraft carriers incorrect height in the water
- Fixed an incorrect position of the Panama Canal
- Fixed an incorrect display of several small islands in the Pacific Ocean

Simulation and State finances :

- Correction of certain tax amounts
- Correction of deficit instability in scenarios starting in the 2nd half of 2024
- Correction of capital holdings in nationalized companies
- Improvement in the stability of long-term GDP forecasts for countries

Simulation globale :

- Corrections of wrong triggering of famines
- Fixed a bug that caused the free-trade agreement between Japan and the EU to break at the start of the game.
- Fixed a bug preventing validation of a power plant construction contract
- Fixed several bugs preventing contracts from being signed with illegal groups
- Non-EU countries can now make free-trade contracts, tab added to manage them
- Fixed wrong name of partner country in dialog evoking a free-trade agreement made by the player
- Removal of oil and gas wells in North Korea
- Changes to military alliance contracts are now correctly saved after acceptance
- Fixed a blockage in the financial sanctions management button that prevented the action from being redone after a first sanction vote
- Added Coalition tab for heads of state
- Construction of offshore mega-wind turbines now possible at sea
- Construction of border walls now possible
- Correction of a crash during a meeting with a minister of the economy as CEO after a construction proposal on his territory
- Correction of the request for the ethical label which delivered the eco-energy label
- Corrected a crash when proposing a region attachment
- Corrected a bug that prevented the modification of speed limit values
- Corrected a bug preventing the SPACE shortcut from working in some interfaces
- Corrected various crashes from player saves
- Corrected a bug provoking an immediate cancellation of a trade contract proposed by an AI and accepted by the player
- Corrected a bug preventing certain buildings construction
- There is now Infantry armaments’ sellers
- Fixed a crash during a meeting with a minister for Defense while playing as an opponent
- There is now an available workforce that were missing at the start of the game for several countries

Corps Simulation :

- Adjustment of social security costs
- Unblocking of communication actions for certain business sectors (Cars, Tires)
- Corrections for companies with zero or inconsistent sales numbers
- Correction of a crash during a meeting between a CEO and a head of state
- Products can now be created with 1 star Quality
- The research fields displayed in the company technology tree are only those linked to the sectors of the company being played.
- Correction of an erroneous price in supplier contracts whose product is Electronic Components
- Addition of “customer contracts” that were missing for certain business sectors
- Corrected new facility being flagged as a risky loan while it was fully self-funded

Version 1.04 (version at launch date of July 23, 2024)
