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The game includes a substantial number of data and various items of information, drawn from the main world data banks, in order to assess the new situation of the planet at all times. Indicated below are the details of the parameters taken into consideration. The simulations are classified into different categories.

3D Worldmap

Made up of more than 2 million polygons and over 10 million grid squares you can build on, the game displays precise geography and a large number of locations and places:
  • mountain reliefs, detailed vegetation, cultural zones, different types of forest (broadleaf, pine, rainforests), savannas, rivers, and urban areas
  • all state borders and territorial waters
  • the division of countries into over 1,200 administrative
  • more than 7000 cities, with maps of major capitals
  • more than 1000 military bases (land, air force, naval, satellite launch bases, missile silos, communication centers)
  • current maps of conflicts in the world with front lines, occupied territories, cities in conflict, locations of military units, international military bases
  • more than 50 types of buildings for thousands of companies (factories, farms, buildings…)
  • over 300 nuclear plants, offshore stations, wind farms on land and sea, solar panels sites
  • the most important 124 ports and 150 airports, railway networks for high-speed trains, major highways, bridges, tunnels
  • gas and oil wells with the major gas and oil pipelines
  • over 130 mountain peaks and volcanoes
  • over 100 historical and cultural locations

Nations and their variables

230 countries and territories recognized by the UN are managed in the game, with about 175 playable nations. Each sovereign country includes over 600 variables in various subject areas, namely:

  • Geography and climate: surface area, climate type, precipitation, major natural risks, forest area...
  • Demographics: age pyramid, contraception, life expectancy, migration flows...
  • Economy: GDP, income / capita, unemployment, growth, inflation, HDI...
  • Economic activities: production and consumption for over 130 activity sectors including agriculture (sale of livestock, fruits and vegetables, beverages, grains), industry (various minerals, processing industries, chemistry, automobile production...), and the service sector (telecommunication, transportation, advertising, record industry...).
  • Energy: distribution and reserves of various energy sources (oil, gas, nuclear, hydroelectricity, new energy sources, etc.)
  • Environment: Co2 emissions, Kyoto protocol, details on the various modes of transportation...
  • Commerce: major partners, balance of trade, tourism...
  • Budget: size and spending on various state budget items, state debt, rating with rating agencies
  • Taxation: list of numerous taxes and duties (VAT, bracketed income tax, tax on the wealthy, fuel taxes, taxes on alcohol...)
  • Money: interest rate, stock markets, currencies...
  • Social / Labor / Health: minimum salaries, family benefits, medical reimbursement, basic old age pension, unemployment benefits, working time, housing allowances, etc..
  • Society: regulations on contraception, abortion, same-sex marriage, same-sex parent adoption, physician-assisted suicide, prostitution, marijuana consumption...
  • Education: illiteracy, staffing and salaries, length of school vacations, level of research...
  • Constitution: type of regime, terms of office, election functioning, powers of Parliament...
  • Politics: party in power, complete list of political parties and their ideologies, formation of a Parliament, positions on major international themes, membership with major international organizations, maps of geopolitical relations between countries...
  • Police / Justice: crime rate, size and power of police forces and intelligence services, prisons, death penalty, traffic safety laws, etc.
  • Immigration: migration rate, return assistance, foreign communities
  • Terrorism: list of terrorist groups with their location and the assessment of their strength, their personnel and their weapons
  • Sects: list of different sects with evaluations of their size
  • Army: size, weapon details, nuclear power, weapons manufacturing, military service...
  • Religion: distribution and roles of different congregations
  • Culture: national holiday, major cultural festivals, international museums, film, setting up the internet...
  • Sports: results and rankings for major sporting events, level assessment in each discipline

The character database

This database includes over 300 figures for each country, i.e. over 50,000 characters in the world, with very diverse functions: politicians, unionists, association leaders, religious figures, military figures, intellectuals, journalists, scientists, athletes, people close to the head of state...

All characters are represented with 3D faces and express themselves orally during meetings. The game includes a total of over 12 hours of dialog.

Character names reflect the linguistic roots of different countries.

The artificial intelligence algorithms determine the characters’ reactions and initiatives.

Each character has a certain number of variables (age, health, personality, competence, ambition, political affiliation, hobbies, etc.) that help establish a sort of table of opinions on the different subjects in the game. These opinions are then compared with players’ actions and changes in the world. Their behaviors are determined based on the character’s popularity and level of influence.

Database of economic activities, multinational corporations, and scientific discoveries

Over 7000 major companies are included in the game, covering more than 130 activity sectors. The 3000 largest are laid out in great detail with their actual data: revenue, market shares, shareholder composition, staffing…

All these sectors are listed with their own systems of production and consumption (price, raw materials, staff composition, CO2 emissions, productivity…)

Also included are over 100 scientific discoveries and technological advances imagined for the next 50 years to come (aids vaccine, anti-sleep molecule digital paper, optical textiles, nanorobots, holographic TV...).

The dialog and article database

There are more than 20,000 messages, articles, and reactions produced by characters and current organizations.
Moreover, the game includes more than 12 hours of recorded dialogue.
